Critical Areas in Island County are environmentally sensitive natural resources that have been designated for protection and management in accordance with the requirements of our state's Growth Management Act (GMA). Protection and management of these areas is important to the preservation of the ecological functions of our natural environment, as well as the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of our community.
If you are submitting a development proposal (building permit or land use permit), you need to fill out and submit a completed Field Indicators Worksheet even if there are no known critical areas on your property. The Wetland I.D. Guide contains instructions for completing the Field Indicators Worksheet.
To learn if Island County has a record of a wetland or stream on or near your property, follow these instructions:
If you are submitting a development proposal, you need to address all critical areas found on your parcel. View Island County's Critical Area Maps here to determine if other known critical areas are present on your property, which include:
* Species of local importance, habitat and Marine Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (MFWHCAs) are not publicly available. Planning staff will determine whether your proposal is within the vicinity of these habitats.
If critical areas are mapped on or near your property, you will need to contact a qualified environmental consultant. Environmental review is required for development in the vicinity of critical areas. Below is a link to qualified environmental consultants who have submitted their qualifications to Island County for inclusion on the list:
For wetland and/or buffer impact, a Wetland Report and Mitigation Plan is involved. For streams and other fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas (FWHCAs), a Biological Site Assessment (BSA) is required. BSA guidance is available here. Development may involve SEPA review and completing a SEPA checklist.
If critical areas are mapped nearby, and your proposal falls outside critical areas and associated buffers, a Letter of Determination from an environmental consultant may be appropriate. Below is a link to an example Letter of Determination, and an explanation of when a Letter of Determination is acceptable. The Island County Critical Areas Planner can help determine which Environmental Reports are needed for your proposal.
If your project impacts critical areas and their buffers, you will need to obtain the relevant permit and submit the specific required report with your permit application. Impacts to wetlands and associated buffers may require a Type I or Type II Reasonable Use Determination (RUD). Development adjacent or within streams involves a Type II Critical Areas Permitted Use (CPU) application. For information on which permit and report you need to submit, contact the Critical Areas Planner
State agencies may have permitting requirements for proposals in the vicinity of critical areas.
Below is a link to the Mitigation Monitoring Report Form, to be completed electronically and emailed to